domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013

Teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy

By Juliana Mujica 

Throughout our society there have always been unprotected sexual interactions. Adolescents have very powerful hormones which can give them an irresistible urge to have sex. From irresponsible acts, psychological factor and sexual abuse, women from the age of 13 to the Age to 20 can encounter unexpected pregnancy. This is what we call teenage pregnancy.

The causes of this complex problem can be things such as; physiological factors like peer pressure, lack of love or support and emotional sustenance from the opposite sex. Also alcohol and substance consumption which can cause unrestrained interaction with a male, socio-economic factors like child pregnancy to create earning members and lastly lack of sexual education and no knowledge of protection, consequences and medical risks.
If the female is under pregnancy circumstances and abortion is not a solution then they can either keep the baby or give it up for adoption.
The baby will either be killed by abortion or have a life to live. What are the girl’s consequences? The can continue their lives with incomplete education due to the attention they are paying to their baby and will not be able to attend a tuition, during pregnancy it is very hard to get employment and you will most likely not find any job, social embarrassment and psychological problems can overcome the female, emotional traumas like not having the fathers support or not knowing who the father is, early motherhood which will most likely create problems in their lives.
What are the consequences for the baby? If the baby is kept, once it grows up its psychological development can be affected by emotional traumas, being a bastard, not having the resources to have an education due to the mother unemployment or lack of money. If the child is not kept it can experience the emotional trauma of not knowing its real parents or where he comes from which can affect its later years.
As well as consequences there can be medical risks and realities. Females that experience pregnancy during adolescent years can have a higher medical risk that females older than 20. The lack of knowledge of a healthy pregnancy can also affect their medical risks; also poor diets can give the preeclampsia (dangerously high blood pressure) which may force the mother to deliver earlier than she should which can cause harm or potential death to the mother or also the baby.
Adolescents are not properly informed about sex and its repercussions, if teenagers would know a little more about the consequences and its risks they would act more mature about having a sexual intercourse and some would even wait longer to do it. Not only do the girls have to be careful, but also the males in the relationship, pills and condoms are not always reliable and do not always work. There has to be two people involved for unwanted pregnancy and the consequences are not easy to face.

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