sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013


By:Enrique Vergara

Human Papiloma Virus:

The human papiloma virus is the most common sexually trasmitted disease, it is so common, that at least 50% of the world's total population gets the virus at least once in the lifetime. There are more than 40 types of HPV than can affect the male / female genital areas; some of this types are:
  • Plantar warts ( HPV type: 1,2,4)
  • Common warts (HPV type: 1, 2, 4, 26, 27, 29, 41, 57)
  • Flat warts (HPV type: 3, 10, 27, 28, 41, 49)}
  • Genital warts ([Highly contagious through sexual intercourse] HPV type: 6, 11, 30, 40-45, 51, 54)
  • Cervical cancer ([Second most common cancer in women]HPV type: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58)
  • Precancerous changes (HPV type: 16, 18, 34, 39, 42, 55)
  • Laryngeal papillomas (HPV type: 6, 11, 30)
 It is considered a silent infection because most people spread it without knowing, it can be catch without even knowing, you can spot a HPV by making a PAP test.
Some of the symptoms are described as:
  • Genital infection.
  • Genital warts.
  • RRP ( warts that grow on the throat.)
  • Cervical cancer.
  • Other HPV related cancers (anal, penile)
Currently 20 million Americans are infected with HPV ( Human Papiloma Virus), another 6 million people get infected every year.
Vaccine: The HPV vaccine Gardasil, approved for use in females in 2006, was approved for males in 2009. Gardisal is approved for boys and men ages 9 to 26 for the prevention of genital warts caused by two HPV strains: HPV 6 and HPV 11. Those are two of the four HPV strains that Gardasil targets. In late 2010, Gardasil was also approved for the prevention of anal cancer.

Methods to prevent th Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
For men:
  • If sexually active, using a condom is an effective way of preventing HPV.
  • An extreme method and the most effective is to refrain from sexual activity.
  • Limit your number of sex partners.
For women:
  • Again, condoms are a save way to prevent this STD.
  • Prevent from having oral sex or anal sex.
  • And again, abstinence is the safer way to prevent this virus.


Trichomoniasis is one of the most common STD's in the worls, it is caused by a parasite called trichomonas vaginalis. The parasite can live in the urogenital tract of males and females, it can infect a sexually active person by sexual intercourse, especially those ones who are not wearing protection or have multiple sex partners.
It is mostly treated with prescrictive medication, the infection can be uncomfortable.

How to prevent Trichomoniasis: (For men and women):

  • The safest way of preventing it is by avoiding sexual intercourse.
  • If sexually active, the use of a condom can prevent a large list of STD'S including Trichomoniasis and HPV.
Trichomoniasis symptoms: The symptoms may appear 5 days or more since sexual intercourse with an infected person.

In female:

  • Abundant or frothy (*espumoso) vaginal discharge ranging in color from gray to green to yellow, with a watery to milky consistency.
  • Unwealthy vagina smell.
  • Itching in or around the vagina.
  • Pain during sex.
  • Bleeding after sexual intercourse.
  • Pain during urination.
  • Itching and (or) swollen labia.
In male:

  • Urethral itching.
  • Burning after urination / ejaculation.
  • Painfull urination/ejaculation
  • Inflamation of the prostate.
  • Pain and inflammation of the scrotum.
Treatment for trichomoniasis: It can be treated by an oral antiprotozoal medicine such as: Metrodinazole or Tinidazole. It is taken either in single doses or multiple doses, the cure rate using Metrodinazole is 90% to 95%. Meanwhile, the cure rate using Tinidazole is 86% to 100%.


The gonorrhea is a sexually trasmitted desease causes by a bacterium called neisseria gonorrhea, it can grow easily in the warm moist areas of the reproductive tract. In women, it can grow in the cervix, the uterus, the fallopian tubes and in the urethra. In men, it can also grow in the urethra, thebacteria can grow also in eyes, mouth, throat and anus, for both, men and women.

The symptoms can variate in men and women, normally the infected areas include the reproductive organ.
In some men, the symptoms are mild or no symptoms, transmitting the STD without knowing. Here are some of the symptoms presented by men: 
  • Abnormal discharge from the penis (clear or milky at first, and then yellow, creamy, and excessive, sometimes blood-tinged).
  • Painful or frequent urination or urethritis.
  • Anal itching, discomfort, bleeding, or discharge.
  • Pinkeye (conjunctivitis) (rare cases).
In women, the symptoms are rare, this is why, gonorrhea is commonly confused with a bladder infection or a vaginal infection. Here are some of the symptoms:
  • Painful or frequent urination.
  • Anal itching, discomfort, bleeding, or discharge.
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge.
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding during or after sex or between periods.
  • Genital itching.
  • Irregular menstrual bleeding.
  • Lower abdominal (belly) pain.
  • Painful sexual intercourse.
  • Pinkeye (conjunctivitis) (rare).
As the infection is very contagious, there are some other symptoms than can present due to the infection can spread into different parts of the body, this symptoms are:
  • Rash.
  • Arthritis.
  • Inflamed tendons.
How can you treat gonorrhea? Gonorrhea is initially treated with antibiotics; make sure to take the pills in time because if you miss the treatment, the infection may not be cured. If you are in a treatment make sure that you dont have sexual contact with anyone untill you and your sex partner's sickness is erradicated.
If you are a person with a single dose treatment, make sure you take the pill 7 days before having any sexual contact. Always use a condom to prevent you from getting infected again.

How can you prevent the gonorrhea?
To begin, you can practice a safe sex, by using a condom, be sure you talk with your sex partner before begining a sexual life, remember that some of the STD's symptoms are silent and can appear even 6 years after sexual intercourse. Avoid sexual contact with people that present any STD's symptoms. Use a condom and avoid having more than 1 sexual partner at a time. 

1 comentario:

  1. wow! que trabajo tan elaborado! se merecen un 10! todo esta muy claro!
