lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013

Birth Control

By: Hans Müller E.

Birth control is a part of strategical reproduction of animals. it can be clasified as; abstinence of intercourse, abortion, and infanticide. this can be foun in many societies human and nin human. Cases such as the bobcat that when doesnt finds enough food produces only one or two kittens instead of the usual three.

Contraception and birth control

Contraception is the use of devices or methods which act against conception (fertilization of an egg). other birth control methods prevent the developing of an egg to a baby. There are lots of birth control methods; some prevent the sperm to reach to the ovaries, other interfere with the reproductive cycle, or some prevent implantation ore ovulation, etc. Those different methods act using phhisical or chemical manipulation as well as behavioural manipulation.
Though each birth control method has advantages and disadvantages, birth control gives the human the abilitie to control the birth rate which by some experts can make a great difference on the future of our society´s development and survival since our population has grown exponentially in the las few centuries and a high birth rate in the future could be the triggery for the worlds starvation.

Chemical manipulation:

takes the form usually of pills. this pills contain synthetic oestrogen or progesterone. this stops the secrtion of several substances so taht neither follicule development nor ovulation occurs.

Increasing fertility 

As we have the ability of controling birth we also have the opportunitie of increasing fertility using various methods such as artificial insemination, fertility drugs, and in vitro fertilisation.

Artificial insemination consists on using the sperm of an anonymous donor and insert it in the womans cervix.

Fertility drugs are basically chemicals that stimulate ovulation.

In vitro fertilisation the fertilisation of the eggs outside of the mothers body which then are artificially implanted in the uterus.

Paradoxically there are scientist that also promote the fertility improvement as the salvation for the future because it has been dicovered that pollutants have a negative effec with the males fertility and this improovements have proven a relief for the far future reproduction.

Birth control methods: (classified in 5 different categories)


Male condom: A thin latex sheath worn over the erect penis; at ejculation semen collects in the tip
Femle condom: a thin latex sheath with two elasticated rings; one is inserted into the vagina the other remains outside.

advantages: offer some protection against STD´s; no serious side effects reliable and easy to obtain.

disadvantages: can break or leak; cannot be used spontaneously; may lessen enjoyment of intercourse.

comments: protection improved if combined with spermicide; give protection agains STD´s.

Hormone manipulation: 

"Morning after pill": contains high levels of oestrogen to prevent implantation.

advantages: can be used after rather than before intercourse.

disadvantages: high dose of oestrogen can produce unpleasant side-effects.

comments: not suitable for regular use.

Behavioural manipulation. 

Withrawal: removal of penis before ejaculation

advantages: no cost

disadvantages: difficult to do; unreliable.

no comments


Vasectomy: vasa differentia of male cut and tued off to prevent passage of sperm to the penis.

advantages: a single operation gives a permanent effect; high reliability 

disadvantages: may be irreversible

no comments


Intrauterine device: plastic or copper device that prevents implantation

advantages: allows sexual intercourse to be spontaneous.

disadvantages: can cause discomfort and can be displaced.

comments: requires expert insertion.

for more information:

domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013


Adoption Investigation

By: Daniel Espitia


Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting for another and, in so doing, permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities, along with filiation, from the original parent or parents. Unlike guardianship or other systems designed for the care of the young, adoption is intended to effect a permanent change in status and as such requires societal recognition, either through legal or religious sanction.


Adoption between the United States and Colombia is governed by the Hague Adoption Convention. Therefore to adopt from Colombia, you must first be found eligible to adopt by the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government agency responsible for making this determination is the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

In addition to these U.S. requirements for prospective adoptive parents, Colombia also has the following eligibility requirements for prospective adoptive parents:

Residency Requirements: There are no residency requirements for intercountry adoptions from Colombia.

Age Requirements: Both parents are required to be 25 years old. In practice, newborns are assigned to younger couples and older children to older couples.

Marriage Requirements: Colombian law allows adoptions by a married man and woman and common law spouses of more than three years. Single men and women are only allowed to adopt children over the age of seven on a case-by-case basis.

Income Requirements: Prospective adoptive parents are required to submit documentation confirming their ability to provide for the adopted child. This requirement may be met by only one parent.

Other Requirements: Gay or Lesbian individual or couple prospective adoptive parents are advised that they should consult with the ICBF regarding Colombia’s legal requirements prior to pursuing an adoption there. In addition, according to Colombian law, both parents must be found "physically and emotionally capable" to adopt.

What does Colombia require of the adoptive parents after the adoption?

Colombian law does not currently have any post-adoption requirements.

What resources are available to assist families after the adoption?

Many adoptive parents find it important to find support after the adoption. Take advantage of all the resources available to your family -- whether it's another adoptive family, a support group, an advocacy organization, or your religious or community services.


Colombia is party to the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption ( Hague Adoption Convention). Therefore, all adoptions between Colombia and the United States must meet the requirements of the Convention and U.S. law and regulations implementing the Convention.


Colombian Central Authority
Because Colombia is a member of the Hague Adoption Convention, adopting from Colombia must follow a specific process designed to meet the Convention's requirements. A brief summary of the Convention adoption process is given below. You must complete these steps in the following order to meet all necessary legal requirements for adoption.
Note: If you filed your I-600A with Colombia before April 1, 2008, the Hague Adoption Convention does not apply to your adoption; it could continue to be processed in accordance with the immigration regulations for orphan adoptions. Learn more.
Choose an Accredited Adoption Service Provider
Apply to be Found Eligible to Adopt
Be Matched with a Child
Apply for the Child to be Found Eligible for Adoption
Adopt the Child in Colombia
Bring your Child Home
Choose an Accredited Adoption Service Provider:
The first step in adopting a child from Colombia is to select an accredited or approved adoption service provider in the United States. Only these agencies and attorneys can provide adoption services between the United States and Colombia. Learn more.

Once prospective adoptive parents decide that Colombia is the nation from which they wish to adopt, they must first contact the ICBF, or an accredited adoption service provider in Colombia, in order to obtain a list of adoption service provider in the United States, nearest to the couple's place of residence, that are accredited by both the Colombian and U.S. Governments.

An accredited adoption service provider will conduct the home study and assist the prospective adoptive parents in preparing the paperwork necessary for Homeland Security, Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Note: Many of the documents required for the Form I-800A are the same as those required by ICBF, so it is wise to review both lists to avoid duplicating efforts.

Apply to be Found Eligible to Adopt

After you choose an accredited adoption agency, you apply to be found eligible to adopt (Form I-800A) by the U.S. government, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Learn more.
Please note that if you reside in Colombia, you should contact the U.S. Embassy in Bogotá for instructions. Anyone with questions may contact the embassy any working day from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and ask for the person responsible for processing visas for adopted children.

Once the U.S. Government determines you "eligible" and "suitable" to be an adoptive parent, you or your adoption service provider will forward your information to ICBF in Colombia. The Central Authority will review your application to determine whether you are also eligible to adopt under Colombian law.

Once USCIS has approved the documentation, parents must compile the following list of documents for submission to the ICBF:
Application Form for adoption (this can be provided by the ICBF or found on the ICBF Website);
Birth certificate(s)of the prospective adoptive parent(s);
Marriage certificate or proof of common law relationship of prospective adoptive parents;
Medical examination(s) by Board-certified physicians clearly stating that prospective adoptive parent(s) is (are) mentally and physically capable of caring for a child (or children);
National law enforcement clearance issued by a competent police authority. For U.S. citizens, this consists of a set of fingerprints, and their results, issued by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). These cards may be requested from the Department of Homeland Security. When completed, the cards for the U.S. records check as well as the USD $85.00 fee and a letter of intent (for adoption purposes) should be sent to the address below. The FBI may take as long as two to three months to return the completed results;
National Visa Center
Fingerprint Unit
32 Rochester Avenue
Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801
Note: The set of fingerprints submitted previously with the Form I-800A cannot be submitted to the ICBF.
Birth certificates of any children previously adopted by the prospective adoptive parent(s);
Certificate of financial ability and employment letters explaining time of service and monthly salary received in U.S. dollars;
If self-employed, a certified document regarding the parent's(s') financial resources or last income tax return with supporting documents;
Social and psychological study of the prospective adoptive family that establishes physical, mental, moral and social capacity. The home study required by USCIS can fulfill both the U.S. and the Colombian requirements;
If there were previous marriages or partners of the prospective adoptive parent(s), proof of divorce and reasons for such dissolutions should be presented; and
Notarized statement clarifying any changes in name or indicating, "also known as." Generally, Colombian women do not change their names to that of their husbands. As a result, Colombian courts are accustomed to birth certificates, marriage certificates, and passports with no variation in name. If you have documents in both maiden and marriage names, you must submit a notarized statement indicating the reasons for the discrepancies in your documents.

Once the ICBF approves the package of documents, it will be in a position to inform prospective adoptive parents, through their adoption service providers, about the availability of children in need of a family placement and the amount of time it is likely to take to complete an adoption.

Be Matched with a Child:

If both the United States and Colombia determine that you are eligible to adopt, and a child is available for intercountry adoption, the Central Authority in Colombia may provide you with a referral for a child. Each family must decide for itself whether or not it will be able to meet the needs of the particular child and provide a permanent family placement for the referred child. Learn more about making this critical decision.

ICBF will inform the parents, through the adoption service provider, once a child has officially been assigned to them. Medical, social, psychological, and nutritional assessments are provided to the prospective adoptive parents, as well as photographs of the child. Prospective adoptive parents are given two months to make a decision as to whether to adopt that particular child.

Apply for the Child to be Found Eligible for Adoption:

After you accept a match with a child, you will apply to the USCIS for permission to adopt that child (Form I-800, Petition to Classify a Convention adoptee as an Immediate Relative). USCIS will determine whether the child is eligible under U.S. immigration law to be adopted and enter the United States. Learn how.

After this, your adoption service provider or you will submit a visa application for to a Consular Officer at the U.S. Embassy in Bogota. The Consular Officer will review the child's information and evaluate the child for possible visa ineligibilities. If the Consular Office determines that the child appears eligible to immigrate to the United States, he or she will notify the ICBF (Article 5 letter). For Convention country adoptions, prospective adoptive parent(s) may not proceed with the adoption until this takes place.

At this point, you may travel to Colombia to begin the legal process with Colombian authorities. The ICBF or the Colombian adoption agency will assist with obtaining the documents needed to complete Colombian legal procedures.

Remember: The Consular Officer will make a final decision about the immigrant visa later in the adoption process.

Adopt the Child in Colombia
Remember: Before you adopt a child in Colombia, you must have completed the above four steps. Only after completing these steps, can you proceed to finalize the adoption in Colombia.

The process for finalizing the adoption in Colombia generally includes the following:
Role of The Central Authority: Colombian law does not allow for private adoptions. Children may be adopted only through the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF) and approved adoption agencies. The ICBF will match the child with the prospective adoptive parent(s) and help with obtaining paperwork before the case moves to the Colombian courts.
Role of The Court: The Colombian courts require a letter from the U.S. Embassy in Bogota stating that they will issue an immigrant visa to the child if all adoption and U.S.

Note: Colombian law requires that both adopting parents be physically present when the adoption is presented to a "family judge." No exceptions are made to this requirement.
Role of Adoption Service Providers: Because Colombia is a Convention country, adoption services must be provided by an accredited agency, temporarily accredited agency, approved person, supervised provider, or exempted provider. It is essential that prospective adoptive parent(s) seeking to adopt from a Convention country use an accredited adoption service provider. The Department of State maintains a current list of accredited adoption service providers. The list of accredited adoption service providers is also provided on the website of the Hague Permanent Bureau at

Time Frame: There is no set time frame for completing an intercountry adoption from Colombia. There are many factors that determine how long the adoption and visa process takes, including paperwork approval times, desired sex and age of the child, and the age of the prospective adoptive parent(s). Adoptive parents have reported the entire process taking 18 to 30 months.

Adoption Application: Prospective adoptive parents must first contact the ICBF or an accredited adoption agency in Colombia in order to obtain a list of adoption service providers in the United States that are accredited by both the Colombian and U.S. Governments.

Adoption Fees: It is difficult to predict how much the entire adoption process will cost as each case has unique circumstances. Adoptive parents have reported spending between $12,000 USD and $20,000 USD. The Colombian passport fee is approximately $30 USD. These expenses should have been itemized in the fees and estimated expenses section of your adoption services contract.

Bring Your Child Home

Now that your adoption is complete, there are a few more steps to take before you can head home. Specifically, you need to apply for several documents for your child before he or she can travel to the United States:
Birth CertificateYou will first need to apply for a new birth certificate for your child, so that you can later apply for a passport. Your name will be added to the new birth certificate. In Colombia, this should be processed at the same time as the adoption decree.

Colombian Passport
Your child is not yet a U.S. citizen, so he or she will need a travel document or passport from Colombia. The court will authorize a new passport, containing the information from the new birth certificate, when issuing the adoption decree.

Please note that as of July 2010, The Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs now requires eight business days to issue a new passport. A temporary, three-month validity emergency Colombian passport may be issued sooner, but the fee is higher, about 200,000 Colombian Pesos, or about USD $100.
U.S. Immigrant Visa
After you obtain the new birth certificate and passport for your child, you also need to apply for an U.S. visa from the U.S. Embassy in Bogota for your child. After the adoption is granted, visit the embassy for final review and approval of the child's I-800 petition and to obtain a visa for the child. This immigrant visa allows your child to travel home with you. As part of this process, the Consular Officer must be provided the Panel Physician's medical report on the child if it was not provided during the provisional approval stage. Learn more.
In order for the U.S. Embassy to issue the letter required by the Colombian family judges that commits the embassy to issuing an immigrant visa under the condition that all adoption and U.S. immigration requirements are met, the embassy needs to have received a Form I-800A (Application for Determination of Suitability to adopt a child from a Convention Country) approved by the USCIS.

Final Adoption Decree (original or notarized copy);
The $400 USD fee for an immigrant visa processed by the embassy,
Copy of Medical Exam: Before an immigrant visa can be issued, all adopted children must have a medical examination performed by the embassy's approved Panel Physician, named below. The cost of this medical examination is approximately $50 USD and must be paid by the parents directly to the physician, not to the embassy. The child's Colombian passport will be required for the medical appointment.

For adoptions finalized abroad: The Child Citizenship Act of 2000 allows your child to acquire American citizenship when he or she enters the United States as lawful permanent residents.

For adoptions to be finalized in the United States: The Child Citizenship Act of 2000 allows your child to typically acquire American citizenship when the U.S. state court issues the final adoption decree. We urge your family to finalize the adoption in a U.S. State court as quickly as possible.

*Please be aware that if your child did not qualify to become a citizen upon entry to the United States, it is very important that you take the steps necessary so that your child does qualify as soon as possible. Failure to obtain citizenship for your child can impact many areas of his/her life including family travel, eligibility for education and education grants, and voting.


Why Adoption
"The child, for the full and harmonious development of his or her personality, should grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding…Intercountry adoption may offer the advantage of a permanent family to a child for whom a suitable family cannot be found in his or her State of origin."
-Hague Adoption Convention, Preamble
Every child benefits from a loving home in deeply profound ways. Intercountry adoption has made this permanently possible for hundreds of thousands of children worldwide. When children cannot remain with a relative, and new parents within their communities cannot be found, intercountry adoption opens another pathway to children to receive the care, security and love that only a permanent family can provide.

Teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy

By Juliana Mujica 

Throughout our society there have always been unprotected sexual interactions. Adolescents have very powerful hormones which can give them an irresistible urge to have sex. From irresponsible acts, psychological factor and sexual abuse, women from the age of 13 to the Age to 20 can encounter unexpected pregnancy. This is what we call teenage pregnancy.

The causes of this complex problem can be things such as; physiological factors like peer pressure, lack of love or support and emotional sustenance from the opposite sex. Also alcohol and substance consumption which can cause unrestrained interaction with a male, socio-economic factors like child pregnancy to create earning members and lastly lack of sexual education and no knowledge of protection, consequences and medical risks.
If the female is under pregnancy circumstances and abortion is not a solution then they can either keep the baby or give it up for adoption.
The baby will either be killed by abortion or have a life to live. What are the girl’s consequences? The can continue their lives with incomplete education due to the attention they are paying to their baby and will not be able to attend a tuition, during pregnancy it is very hard to get employment and you will most likely not find any job, social embarrassment and psychological problems can overcome the female, emotional traumas like not having the fathers support or not knowing who the father is, early motherhood which will most likely create problems in their lives.
What are the consequences for the baby? If the baby is kept, once it grows up its psychological development can be affected by emotional traumas, being a bastard, not having the resources to have an education due to the mother unemployment or lack of money. If the child is not kept it can experience the emotional trauma of not knowing its real parents or where he comes from which can affect its later years.
As well as consequences there can be medical risks and realities. Females that experience pregnancy during adolescent years can have a higher medical risk that females older than 20. The lack of knowledge of a healthy pregnancy can also affect their medical risks; also poor diets can give the preeclampsia (dangerously high blood pressure) which may force the mother to deliver earlier than she should which can cause harm or potential death to the mother or also the baby.
Adolescents are not properly informed about sex and its repercussions, if teenagers would know a little more about the consequences and its risks they would act more mature about having a sexual intercourse and some would even wait longer to do it. Not only do the girls have to be careful, but also the males in the relationship, pills and condoms are not always reliable and do not always work. There has to be two people involved for unwanted pregnancy and the consequences are not easy to face.

sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013


By:Enrique Vergara

Human Papiloma Virus:

The human papiloma virus is the most common sexually trasmitted disease, it is so common, that at least 50% of the world's total population gets the virus at least once in the lifetime. There are more than 40 types of HPV than can affect the male / female genital areas; some of this types are:
  • Plantar warts ( HPV type: 1,2,4)
  • Common warts (HPV type: 1, 2, 4, 26, 27, 29, 41, 57)
  • Flat warts (HPV type: 3, 10, 27, 28, 41, 49)}
  • Genital warts ([Highly contagious through sexual intercourse] HPV type: 6, 11, 30, 40-45, 51, 54)
  • Cervical cancer ([Second most common cancer in women]HPV type: 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58)
  • Precancerous changes (HPV type: 16, 18, 34, 39, 42, 55)
  • Laryngeal papillomas (HPV type: 6, 11, 30)
 It is considered a silent infection because most people spread it without knowing, it can be catch without even knowing, you can spot a HPV by making a PAP test.
Some of the symptoms are described as:
  • Genital infection.
  • Genital warts.
  • RRP ( warts that grow on the throat.)
  • Cervical cancer.
  • Other HPV related cancers (anal, penile)
Currently 20 million Americans are infected with HPV ( Human Papiloma Virus), another 6 million people get infected every year.
Vaccine: The HPV vaccine Gardasil, approved for use in females in 2006, was approved for males in 2009. Gardisal is approved for boys and men ages 9 to 26 for the prevention of genital warts caused by two HPV strains: HPV 6 and HPV 11. Those are two of the four HPV strains that Gardasil targets. In late 2010, Gardasil was also approved for the prevention of anal cancer.

Methods to prevent th Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
For men:
  • If sexually active, using a condom is an effective way of preventing HPV.
  • An extreme method and the most effective is to refrain from sexual activity.
  • Limit your number of sex partners.
For women:
  • Again, condoms are a save way to prevent this STD.
  • Prevent from having oral sex or anal sex.
  • And again, abstinence is the safer way to prevent this virus.


Trichomoniasis is one of the most common STD's in the worls, it is caused by a parasite called trichomonas vaginalis. The parasite can live in the urogenital tract of males and females, it can infect a sexually active person by sexual intercourse, especially those ones who are not wearing protection or have multiple sex partners.
It is mostly treated with prescrictive medication, the infection can be uncomfortable.

How to prevent Trichomoniasis: (For men and women):

  • The safest way of preventing it is by avoiding sexual intercourse.
  • If sexually active, the use of a condom can prevent a large list of STD'S including Trichomoniasis and HPV.
Trichomoniasis symptoms: The symptoms may appear 5 days or more since sexual intercourse with an infected person.

In female:

  • Abundant or frothy (*espumoso) vaginal discharge ranging in color from gray to green to yellow, with a watery to milky consistency.
  • Unwealthy vagina smell.
  • Itching in or around the vagina.
  • Pain during sex.
  • Bleeding after sexual intercourse.
  • Pain during urination.
  • Itching and (or) swollen labia.
In male:

  • Urethral itching.
  • Burning after urination / ejaculation.
  • Painfull urination/ejaculation
  • Inflamation of the prostate.
  • Pain and inflammation of the scrotum.
Treatment for trichomoniasis: It can be treated by an oral antiprotozoal medicine such as: Metrodinazole or Tinidazole. It is taken either in single doses or multiple doses, the cure rate using Metrodinazole is 90% to 95%. Meanwhile, the cure rate using Tinidazole is 86% to 100%.


The gonorrhea is a sexually trasmitted desease causes by a bacterium called neisseria gonorrhea, it can grow easily in the warm moist areas of the reproductive tract. In women, it can grow in the cervix, the uterus, the fallopian tubes and in the urethra. In men, it can also grow in the urethra, thebacteria can grow also in eyes, mouth, throat and anus, for both, men and women.

The symptoms can variate in men and women, normally the infected areas include the reproductive organ.
In some men, the symptoms are mild or no symptoms, transmitting the STD without knowing. Here are some of the symptoms presented by men: 
  • Abnormal discharge from the penis (clear or milky at first, and then yellow, creamy, and excessive, sometimes blood-tinged).
  • Painful or frequent urination or urethritis.
  • Anal itching, discomfort, bleeding, or discharge.
  • Pinkeye (conjunctivitis) (rare cases).
In women, the symptoms are rare, this is why, gonorrhea is commonly confused with a bladder infection or a vaginal infection. Here are some of the symptoms:
  • Painful or frequent urination.
  • Anal itching, discomfort, bleeding, or discharge.
  • Abnormal vaginal discharge.
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding during or after sex or between periods.
  • Genital itching.
  • Irregular menstrual bleeding.
  • Lower abdominal (belly) pain.
  • Painful sexual intercourse.
  • Pinkeye (conjunctivitis) (rare).
As the infection is very contagious, there are some other symptoms than can present due to the infection can spread into different parts of the body, this symptoms are:
  • Rash.
  • Arthritis.
  • Inflamed tendons.
How can you treat gonorrhea? Gonorrhea is initially treated with antibiotics; make sure to take the pills in time because if you miss the treatment, the infection may not be cured. If you are in a treatment make sure that you dont have sexual contact with anyone untill you and your sex partner's sickness is erradicated.
If you are a person with a single dose treatment, make sure you take the pill 7 days before having any sexual contact. Always use a condom to prevent you from getting infected again.

How can you prevent the gonorrhea?
To begin, you can practice a safe sex, by using a condom, be sure you talk with your sex partner before begining a sexual life, remember that some of the STD's symptoms are silent and can appear even 6 years after sexual intercourse. Avoid sexual contact with people that present any STD's symptoms. Use a condom and avoid having more than 1 sexual partner at a time. 

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013


Bibliography:   Edited by CDC Bot, Chris Hadley, Cece, Maluniu and 1 other (02/02/2013 1:47 pm)   Written by/reviewed by: Arthur Schoenstadt, MD
Last reviewed by: Arthur Schoenstadt, MD (02/02/2013 2:08 p.m)  © 2013 Planned Parenthood Federation of America Inc.  (02/02/2013 2:10 p.m)  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention   1600 Clifton Rd. Atlanta, GA 30333, USA  (02/02/2013 2:13 p.m)  Reviewed by Kirk Shibley, MD on February 16, 2012 © 2012 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved. (02/02/2013 2:14 p.m)

"Birth of a New Earth: TEEN PREGNANCY RATE DROPS DRAMATICALLY SINCE 1991. YAY OR WTF?." Birth of a New Earth. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Feb. 2013. <>. © 1995-2012 Healthwise, Incorporated. Healthwise, Healthwise for every health decision, and the Healthwise logo are trademarks of Healthwise, Incorporated (03/02/2013 12:39 p.m)  © 1995-2012 Healthwise, Incorporated. Healthwise, Healthwise for every health decision, and the Healthwise logo are trademarks of Healthwise, Incorporated. (03/02/2013 12:21 p.m) © 1995-2012 Healthwise, Incorporated. Healthwise, Healthwise for every health decision, and the Healthwise logo are trademarks of Healthwise, Incorporated. (03/02/2013 12:41 p.m) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention   1600 Clifton Rd. Atlanta, GA 30333, USA (03/02/2013 12:42 p.m)

Available at:
Available at: 04/02/2013 7:32 p.m. 04/02/2012 7:45 p.m. 04/02/2013 7:58 p.m. 04/02/2013 8:37 p.m. 04/02/2013 8:50 p.m.

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